Out Of Stock
Cockatiel & Fisher Mix King Color 20Kg
All our prices are VAT included
SAR 215.05
Ex Tax: SAR 187.00
- Stock: Out Of Stock
- Brand: King Essential
Product description
Base Sunflower free mix for Parakeets with low energy usage, as well as for Agaponiden and forpus types. Composition: 27% millet yellow (20% canary seed, 17% millet White, 6% peeled oats, paddy rice 5% buckwheat, 5% millet Red, 5%, Linseed, 5%, 3% Kardi, 3% Hemp Seeds, 2% Dari 2% Wheat analy tables components: crude protein 12.5%, Rohfett 7.00%, Rohfaser 8.60%, Rohasche 3.30%, Calcium 0.1%, phospor 0.38%
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